Additional RAM
In case you have a resource-consuming application functioning on your server, you can benefit from some additional RAM. Discover how you can quickly add more RAM to your server.
Whenever an app is executed on a hosting server, it is loaded into the physical memory. In case you run a resource-demanding script, or if you simply add more scripts on your sites and you get loads of visitors, you might encounter a situation where your Virtual Private Server has not enough memory to run all the programs and freezes as a result, which means that your sites will stop working adequately and that the website visitors will start seeing error messages. To avoid this sort of a scenario, you can take advantage of the RAM upgrade that we're offering and increase the amount of physical memory you can use without changing the whole plan. In this way, you can pay just for the system resources you actually need instead of for additional disk space or higher CPU speeds which you won't really use, for example. With the upgrade, you could guarantee the sleek performance of your websites, which also means a better experience for your site visitors.
Additional RAM in VPS Servers
You may take full advantage of the RAM upgrade at any time with any of our VPS server plans. Given that you know in advance that you will require more memory, you'll be able to add it during the Virtual Private Server order process with a couple of clicks. If you need RAM once your server is installed and operating, you'll be able to add the desired amount just as fast using your billing CP. Since our system is convenient, you'll have the opportunity to order memory in increments of 128 MB, thus you can get as much as you need at any moment and you'll be able to add RAM as often as needed in case the first upgrade isn't sufficient. There shall always be free memory on the physical hosting server where your virtual server is set up, as we make sure that the unused resources shall be ample for any Virtual Private Server account to be upgraded tremendously, no matter if the upgraded element is the disk space, the physical memory, and so forth.