The semi-dedicated plans, presented by certainly are a amazing website hosting service. Check out their video demonstration.

Our semi–dedicated servers are located in our state–of–the–art US located data center. This data center perfectly found on the heart of Chicago provides second to none power and cooling solutions. They have moreover built a large peering network along with other data centers as well as network providers, equally locally and worldwide. This means, that it offers unmatched connectivity levels.

The particular semi–dedicated servers are developed on the top of an SE Linux, an exclusive security superior form of Linux, that have been additionally intensely improved by our admins. Consequently you can feel risk–free with your semi–dedicated server – there won’t be any viruses and trojans on our machines. Along with resources such as ModSecurity, your sites and additionally apps will be effortlessly resistant to the most common hacker assaults. Each server additionally features considerable CPU and MySQL usage allocations, sufficient to power any sort of web site or web application.

Each and every semi–dedicated server is delivered with our customizable Website Control Panel. It’s stuffed with convenient tools and zero cost bonuses, which can help you take your site to the next level.