Thanks to the Email Manager, provided inside the Hepsia Website Control Panel you are able to easily control your email accounts, regardless of the number of websites you’ve got. It’s easy to sort email accounts, enable anti–spam, create e–mail forwarding with a mouse–click and create filters for your email accounts. As a result of the auto–configure scripts, you are able to effortlessly configure your mail client to work with every mailbox of yours. And that’s only a modest part of what our Email Manager could help you with.

Anti–Spam Protection

Deal with spam in a mouse–click

Through the Email Manager of the Website Control Panel, you’re able to control junk mail messages. The incorporated anti–spam tool will filter incoming e–mails and you can now alter its level of command with merely a mouse–click. Additionally, you can specify a different amount of spam protection for every single mailbox.

There are 2 simple ways that our system addresses messages flagged as spam. You can select if a spam email must be removed, or sent to a specific mailbox.

Hepsia File Manager

Email Forwarding

1–click redirection of e–mails

When using the Email forwarding tool, you’ll be able to reroute each of the messages sent to a mailbox to a new mailbox of your choice (either hosted within the same website hosting account or elsewhere on the Internet).

To forward an email address, simply choose it from the drop–down menu afterwards specify the e–mail account that you like all delivered messages to get delivered to. Then, you’re provided with the choice to pick whether you’ll need a copy of each message to be held in the mailbox which you forward or not.

Hepsia File Manager

Email Filters

Bring order to your mailbox

Employing the Email Manager of your Website Control Panel, it is definitely very easy to set up various email filters. What you need to actually do is specify the key words that will be applied to filter messages and exactly where the filter should look for them (subject, body, etc.) and then opt for the measures which will be applied to the filtered email messages.

Hepsia File Manager

Email Protection

DomainKeys and also SPF protection for one’s email address

Security is truly one of’s major concerns. Including your e–mail messages. All mailboxes are safeguarded automatically by DomainKeys, a service also used by Yahoo, AOL and Google. It provides a super easy route to associate the sender’s site using the email message.

SPF (anti–spoofing) protection can be described as a service which does affect virtually all e–mail accounts for a given site. It acts to counteract ’email forging’ – the act of mailing e–mail messages out of a mailbox not created on your server.

Hepsia File Manager

Email Auto–Configure Option

1–click setting up of email accounts on your personal computer

We have included an auto–configure solution to the Email Manager to enable you to create email accounts on your desktop client with just a click. To download the auto–configuration file for a selected e–mail address, click on the icon of the mail client you want to employ. The email address will be created effortlessly on your favored desktop client, completely ready for you to use!

You can discover settings files for Mozilla Thunderbird, Outlook, Outlook Express and Mac Mail, found in the main part of the Email Manager.

Hepsia File Manager


Offered on any system, at any place

If you don’t have access to a mail client, it’s easy to browse through mail via the webmail client – Roundcube. There is one web address you should keep in mind, and you can visit it through any web–connected system around the globe!

You can also instantly log in through your Website Control Panel, without needing to enter virtually any e–mail login info.

Hepsia File Manager